Die Suche ergab 574 Treffer

von Marc3l
Di 15. Jun 2021, 18:33
Forum: Teamspeak 3 Öffentlich
Thema: Teamspeak 3 Updates
Antworten: 40
Zugriffe: 81106

Re: Teamspeak 3 Updates

## Server Release 3.13.6 9 June 2021

### Fixed
- Query clients not getting unbanned
- Removed support for client_estimated_location property
Quelle: https://community.teamspeak.com/t/server-3-13-6/23615
von Marc3l
Mo 14. Jun 2021, 23:32
Forum: Teamspeak 3 Öffentlich
Thema: Teamspeak 3 Updates
Antworten: 40
Zugriffe: 81106

Re: Teamspeak 3 Updates

TeamSpeak Server 3.13.5 Fixed Multiple ways to crash server on virtual server shutdown. Performance increase when many clients log in at the same time. Fix crash in HTTP query. Fix crash on Windows during startup. Fix HTTP api key creation issue when using postgresql as DB. Quelle: https://community...
von Marc3l
Mo 22. Feb 2021, 23:21
Forum: Teamspeak 3 Öffentlich
Thema: Teamspeak 3 Updates
Antworten: 40
Zugriffe: 81106

Re: Teamspeak 3 Updates

TeamSpeak Server 3.13.3 [Important Security Update]
Privilege escalation issue (thanks to alex97000)
Quelle: https://community.teamspeak.com/t/teams ... date/15013
von Marc3l
Fr 27. Mär 2020, 12:38
Forum: Teamspeak 3 Öffentlich
Thema: Teamspeak 3 Updates
Antworten: 40
Zugriffe: 81106

Re: Teamspeak 3 Updates

TeamSpeak Server 3.12.0 Server updated Release Notes: ## Server Release 3.12.0 18 March 2020 ### Important - New feature WebQuery that allows user to access to query system using http(s) and json. ### Added - New query commands `apikeyadd`, `apikeydel` and `apikeylist` for managing API keys used in...
von Marc3l
Mi 29. Jan 2020, 12:47
Forum: Teamspeak 3 Öffentlich
Thema: Teamspeak 3 Updates
Antworten: 40
Zugriffe: 81106

Re: Teamspeak 3 Updates

Update installiert ## Server Release 3.11.0 15 January 2020 ### Important - Channel with deprecated codecs (Speex/CELT) are being updated to use Opus instead. ### Added - The query command `privilegekeylist` also returns the `token_customset` now. - The query command `channellist` has a new option `...
von Marc3l
Di 16. Jul 2019, 10:47
Forum: Teamspeak 3 Öffentlich
Thema: Teamspeak 3 Updates
Antworten: 40
Zugriffe: 81106

Re: Teamspeak 3 Updates

## Server Release 3.9.1 2 July 2019 ### Fixed - Fixed a TeamSpeak Server crash. ## Server Release 3.9.0 24 June 2019 ### Added - Support for new license types (Gamer, Commercial, Sponsorship). - `clientaddservergroup` and `clientdelservergroup` allowing to add and remove one or more server groups t...
von Marc3l
Di 18. Jun 2019, 16:28
Forum: Teamspeak 3 Öffentlich
Thema: Teamspeak 3 Updates
Antworten: 40
Zugriffe: 81106

Re: Teamspeak 3 Updates

=== Server Release 3.8.0 28 May 2019 Important: This release requires GNU C library (glibc) 2.17 or later on Linux. If you need to check which version of glibc is installed on your system, you can use `ldd --version`, which usually comes with any glibc installation. Important: Client badge informat...
von Marc3l
Do 11. Apr 2019, 09:57
Forum: Teamspeak 3 Öffentlich
Thema: Teamspeak 3 Updates
Antworten: 40
Zugriffe: 81106

Re: Teamspeak 3 Updates

=== Server Release 3.7.0 19 March 2019 Important: Future releases of the Linux server will require glibc 2.17 or newer. Any older version will not be supported anymore. Added: New experimental features for the upcoming TeamSpeak 5 Client. Added: Server now logs when deleting someone else's avatar. ...
von Marc3l
Mi 20. Feb 2019, 10:55
Forum: Teamspeak 3 Öffentlich
Thema: Teamspeak 3 Updates
Antworten: 40
Zugriffe: 81106

Re: Teamspeak 3 Updates

Update Server 3.6.1 In this version we fixed the bug where many ServerQuery commands could freeze the whole server instance. Thanks hunterpl! And now channel-client permissions don't get the wrong value assigned anymore. We recommend to update as soon as possible in case you use Query bots for clien...
von Marc3l
Di 29. Jan 2019, 13:33
Forum: Teamspeak 3 Öffentlich
Thema: Teamspeak 3 Updates
Antworten: 40
Zugriffe: 81106

Re: Teamspeak 3 Updates

Update eingespielt === Server Release 3.6.0 22 january 2019 Added: Crashes on Windows and Linux will create dumps in the new "crashdumps" directory. Added: New query commands for adding, removing and listing of server query logins. * queryloginadd => adds new query logins * querylogindel =...