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Said to contain hundreds of changes based on community feedback.


A 12 min. gameplay to further whet your appetite

The Battlefield 3 beta will be released this month. Just "when exactly" is still up in the air, but it will be available "soon" according to executive producer Patrick Bach. The beta is said to contain hundreds of changes based on the alpha feedback, with even more changes coming to the shooter before its release date.

“There were plenty of complaints, of course,” he said at a roundtable interview, reported by VG247. “There were some things we found out that we wanted to change based on the alpha; quite a lot, actually. Everything from gun-balancing to the placement of the objectives on the Rush map; we actually moved them around based on [the fact] that the first base was quite hard to take. We are still moving things around on that map to utilise feedback from the alpha.

“That’s why we’re doing it. It’s not to market the game, it’s actually to test it in a proper way. There are hundreds of things that we’ve changed since the alpha."

Bach went on to say: “Again, to the beta question, we are releasing the beta before the game and we are actually changing stuff based on that before we ship the game, even though you could argue that that’s very late close to the ship of the game, we will still have time to do, for instance, day one patches and changes to the Battlelog that will actually be game-changing.”

How can you join the beta? You'll be granted a spot either by pre-ordering the PC version of the game through Origin, owning last year's limited edition of Medal of Honor package or having an Xbox Live Gold membership. Battlefield 3 will be released on the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC on October 25 in the US and October 28 in Europe.
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